All poetry, photographs and artwork © the individual artists who can be contacted through the links below

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Water, Another Jetty

The boat is like a scooped out wooden shell
a crab once lived in.
It follows an oblique path to the shore.
A thin rope ties it to the wooden jetty.
The sun shines, out of reach of clouds.

The beach is pebbles, grey and rounded,
warm to the touch.
The sun has the whole estuary to itself,
fingers water, turns stones inside out,
revealing their true colours

Words and images - Morelle Smith

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Two Poems


I had not expected this at my age:
all the muscles tightening in my throat,
my eyes welling up and glazing over
and palpitations in my ageing heart.

But more than this. I could wander around
the house, the streets outside and suddenly
your image would appear and then your voice
and I would engage in conversation -

Internally, of course, though it felt real.
I could hear you clearly, see you clearly
with that mischievous look from piercing eyes
and I would hold you close in an embrace.

I had not expected this at my age
and thought of the gap in years between us.
These things don’t seem to matter nowadays
and with this trend I felt myself at ease.

But deep down I knew it would never last,
your eyes were bound to rest on someone else
but what had been was bound to stay between
this grandad and his two year old grandson.

Jim Aitken



Like a blind man with his white stick
faltering sometimes on pavements,
only familiarity
and persistence can lead him on.

For ourselves when the fog descends,
when we can’t seem to find our way,
the white stick of inspiration
can become a shaft of lightning

That transforms the darkness for us,
the white flash a wand in our hand
that gives us lasting expression;
the bright new dawn of our learning.

Jim Aitken